Monday, June 13, 2016

Summer (A Realistic Remix)

I'm back!  You may have thought I had given up on writing, or I had lost my arms while harvesting grain, or that I had turned into a tree, but rest assured, that hasn't happened to me yet!  The reason for the delay lies with school...need I say more?

I hope you have all had a wonderful beginning of Summer.  If you haven't, you don't know what Summer is all about.  The Latin definition of "summer" is: a period of time created for partying.
I would like everyone to know I have already been to 7 official parties, 4 unofficial get-togethers, and done probably 16 hang-outs.  I don't plan to stop there either, as I believe in expeditiously (word of the day) taking full advantage of what Summer has to offer.  Let me describe it more in detail through a poem:

Oh Summer is here!  What shall I do?
I'll probably start with a nap or two,
And then I will text all the people who
my hangouts with are long overdue.

Tomorrow I'm busy, but the weekend is free!
Let's do something then, oh what fun it will be!
But make sure it's late, because right after noon
I'm going on a date and won't be back soon.

"Thanks for the party!" I text to my friend,
I add two emojis and then I hit send.
I lazily watch as the message is loading,
Then with a swoosh, it's off!  And I'm back to my dozing.

Another group message here,
Another Facebook chat there,
My calendar is full,
No free time anywhere!

Of course, you realize I'm making this up.
No one has time like this, no one has that much luck!
But maybe this Summer will be a change for me...
Wait mom, you want me to spend time with family??

Yep, that pretty much sums it up.

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