Friday, April 29, 2016

Disagreements With A Side Of Sunshine

      I'm back, and it has been awhile!  Time flies faster than a chihuahua thrown out of a window, and I would know!  This last week I've had a lot of time to think...about an hour.  I've had about an hour to think, and what it really came down to was, "what time is lunch?" So I shall expound up that very deep thought.

    First off, what is lunch?  (Sorry if this gets a little too philosophical for readers.  This message comes straight from my heart...or stomach)  One might respond, "Lunch is the meal people eat in the middle of the day."  A reasonable response, but then again, when is the middle of the day?  Now I've got everyone arguing and bickering, and all because they can't agree.  Well, I'm fed up with disagreement, and I have come up a solution to everyone's problems.  My new idea is called "Get Along or Jail!"  Let me pose a number of examples that will illustrate the benefits of this regime. 

Example 1:

(Tommy comes up to Rachel and grabs her doll) "I get to play with this now!"
"No Tommy it's mine!"
"I get a turn!"
(Mom walks up to where they are squabbling)
"Jail time!  Now!"
(The rest of family now enjoys the peace and quiet, and mom finally gets a break.)

Example 2:

(Chris and Joe are talking at the park) 
Chris: "What came first: the skittle or the rainbow?"
Joe: "Obviously the rainbow."
Chris: "Wrong.  The rainbow stemmed from the skittle."
Joe: "Yeah right, that doesn't make any sense."
(Police show up and arrest them.  Chris and Joe never disagree again.)

I think I've made my point.  Now we shall move onto other matters.

    This last week I have had the opportunity to enjoy heaps and heaps of sunshine!  Too bad I didn't take advantage of the opportunity.  I was busy.  However, don't start thinking I don't like the sunshine, because I luuuuuv the sunshine.  It's just...sometimes it looks more appealing from inside an air-conditioned room.  And like I said, I have been busy.  Between school and my new job, I don't even know how I'm going to make time for my homework.  I guess I might be able to squeeze it in between the 3-hour naps and Netflix.  My days are completely full, and now I no longer have any time to even watch the sunshine through my window!  Rough stuff, let me tell you.  The moral of this story is: ....a complete mystery!

An extravagant read, wouldn't you say!?
 (Word of the Day)

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